Thursday, August 19, 2010

Note To Self

Dear Me
If you really must sing along with the music you listen to on your Ipod while walking the dogs, (and I know you must) could you please choose better play lists?  Might I suggest the a ban on musicals while out in public?  I just happened to notice the awkwardness that occurred as you rounded the corner  singing "she's a headache; she's an angel, she's a girrrlllllll" at the top of your lungs, only to find yourself face to face with a very-cute-jogger-boy.
Of course, everyone involved had a good chortle at your expense, and then went their separate ways; armed with a funny story to tell their friends.  No toes or egos were run over because of your musical road show.
But I can't help wondering if this is really the lyrical self portrait you want to announce to passers-by.  I'm thinking "Baby Got Back" is a better choice.  Just a thought

1 comment:

Coordination Queen said...

That video was awesome. Seriously, i love it!