Monday, December 07, 2009

Oh Christmas Toilet, Oh Christmas Toilet!

I am really sick.  I felt good for a few hours this morning, while my system was completely cleaned out but my severe stomach cramping returned AS SOON as I ate anything.  It sounds like I have the same thing that sent my sister into pre-term labor because of violent vomiting.  In other words-not fun.  My toilet finally gave up the ghost this morning, so now I am going to camp out at my parents, where other toilets can be found.
        In a couple of days, when the weather is more cooperative, Ali and Mike will come install my new Christmas Toilet, which I have wanted for about 5 years now; so it is a really good gift.  Thank You!  I love indoor plumbing, and really miss it when it is malfunctioning.   The snow is really deep out there today.


josefett said...

I am very happy that finally your THRONE is already installed to finish the year.

You have to say THANKS to John Harington (English writer) because Harington is most popularly known as the inventor of the Flush toilet.

Jen said...

what better gift is there? I finally found your blog!

Tamilisa said...

oh man! I hope you are feeling better!! I've been thinking about you and wanting to come see you!!