Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Question And Answer

Q. How much do twelve vials of blood and various testing of said blood cost?
A. $839. 40

Q. How much do four x-rays cost?
A.  nearly $600 (I don't have have the bill in front of me).

Q. Was anything useful learned from this very long, very expensive, and frusterating appointment?
A.  No, but it did completely drain me emotionally.  I really love doctors.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mixed Messages

I am annoyed.  I am bothered that when I find myself sucked into yet another episode of Sixteen And Pregnant, every commercial brake begins with oiled up men, being chased by several women who proclaim " I want your bod."  Although, this show is supposed to be showing how hard teen pregnancy, somehow they have completely missed the mark.  Thank you "Bod Man" cologne and MTV for that wonderful mixed message, you have obviously found your target audience.  I also think it's slightly horrible that teen girls are purposefully getting pregnant just to score an audition for the show.  Well done, MTV, I pledge to never watch that show again.
     I am annoyed at how disgusting my floors are.  It's futile for me to mop, when my tire tracks are never far behind.  The floors are not my responsibility, for obvious reasons, but I am seriously considering becoming a sacrificial human mop.  I would happily get down and scrub on my hands and knees, if only I had a way to guaranteed way to make it safely back into my wheelchair.
      I am also annoyed that I have no way to load the pictures from my camera to to my computer.  I'm not going into the details right now, but it sure does make for a boring blog.
I am now finished complaining.
     Actually, my life is pretty darn good, if all I have to complain about are TV shows and dirty floors.  MY visiting teacher, Kathy brought me some delicious corn chowder tonight.  It was really good, I want the recipe.  Both of my visiting teachers are really good women.  I want the recipe to becoming as good as they are.  I know that was a cheesy sentence, but cheese makes everything better.
     Don't worry, I'm stopping now.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

"Baby, It's Cold Outside"

Last Saturday, I went up to Temple Square, with my friend Will, to see the lights.  I dressed as warmly as possible, in so many layers that my voice seemed muffled, and far away.  I even wrapped a warm blanket around my legs, not caring that it made me look and feel like a full time invalid.
     Notice the crazed look in my eyes

However, despite all my preparations, I still became bitterly cold after about twenty minutes. After that, I was no longer able to remain jolly for pictures.  Eventually, we made it back indoors, and my smile returned.  It was a fun night.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Space Balloon - Stratosphere Spacecraft Launched From Newburgh, NY

Watch this video, it it seriously cool! Although it is slightly squished in,you'll be able to see all the important details.
I am planning on writing on real post soon...

Monday, October 04, 2010

The Refridgerator Saga

I have been through five fridges since August 5th 2010.
1).  First there was the original Amana, which died after a power surge
2).  After that came the Whirlpool that lasted 1 week.  There was a problem with the defrost timer, and the fridge turned on and off at will.  I don't have a picture of this particular fridge.

3).  Then came the fridge/freezer that my sister lent me
4).  After that came the GenAire with the icemaker that smoked and blew up a few minutes after it was plugged in.

And Now

This new Amana is my latest, and hopefully last fridge for quite a while.  Keep you fingers crossed.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Today At Church...

     One of my sunbeams ran at full speed; with her arms outstretched, from the front of the chapel to the back, just to give me a hug.
     In junior primary we learned the story of the "ten leopards."  And a five year old informed us all that we would go to hell, if we didn't read our scriptures.  (His words, not mine).  All in all, it was a very entertaining day for the teachers.
     I love being in primary, and feel especially blessed to be able to teach the the three year olds.  Those kids have an endless supply of love to share.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Unexplained Tooth

epic fail photos - Maury FAIL
see more EpicFail
the Other captions from the Maury Show that won't copy onto the blog for some reason are:
-Kadeisha (age 13) says she had sex with a boy for a hair weave
-Demetrius says he is not the father of Marissa's son because he can't make boys
and my personal favorite,
-Arica says she found a tooth in her house that Michael can't explain

Monday, September 13, 2010

Ruminations on Roscoe and A Small List For Monday

      Roscoe's growing list of issues is driving me crazy.  He's a sweet dog, but oh so neurotic.  So far his list of fears includes: the wind, getting into cars, (but he's completely fine once in the car), and now, other dogs.  Imagine my joy on Saturday, when our walk was filled with wind and many other dogs.  I came home with bruises on my arm from the way I had to hold the leash.  I am so glad fall is here, because when the wind actually causes things to move about, it is extra scary.  I wish I could talk to him and understand what goes through his mind when he goes into freak out mode.  I do feel like we made some progress on our walk today, though.
     If I could have a conversation with him I would tell him: There will always be wind that blows, vehicles to get into, and other dogs to deal with, so just get over it, little boy.  I am trying to be patient, and use every available teaching moment, but I could really do without your high pitched, anxiety filled screeching that makes everyone think I am beating you.
     Also, that beautifully calm Great Dane that you take such issue with, could flatten you with one paw, if you managed to find a way to actually provoke him.  Don't be stupid, my dear.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Monday's List: Summer Memories

My Top 5 Sensory Memories From Summer 2010

1.  The "I want to rip my skin off" feeling of a bad case of hives
2.  The mix of wind and sun on my skin at the beach house In Oregon
3.  Coming home from Oregon to find blood all over the walls and floors, because Olivia had hurt her tail while I was away.
4.  Hearing Brownie skid down the sidewalk because he refused to stand up and walk
5.  The smell of wet cement (poolside) baking in the hot sun- that is the smell of summer for me
It was a great summer, and If I had my way it would never end...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday's List: The Shove

Alright I know today is Tuesday.  I am also aware that I didn't post last week.  I was having a mental health  week, and I don't think anyone was too devastated by my absence.  But now I am back.
     Today I woke up positively drenched in sweat, and with a pounding, split-my-head-open migraine.  I hate waking up with a migraine.  It makes me feel instantly defeated, before I even get out of bed.  Which, except for bathroom breaks, I didn't really accomplish until about eight tonight.  Once I was officially up, I knew I needed to get some food down before my next dose of pills.
      And thus began The Shove...
      The Shove is a very technical term I use to describe what happens when I am really hungry, but have absolutely no energy to feed myself.  In this state, standing up to get a plate is too much to ask, let alone peeling a boiled egg.  All food consumed must be ready to eat as is,  even warming something in the microwave is a stretch.  Which means that I end up eating really healthy stuff like an entire bag of chips...
Tonight's Shove included:
  • A Fiber One bar 
  • Lots of Triscuits
  • A bag of microwave popcorn
  • A few carrots
     Way to go, Me! I will try to eat extra healthy tomorrow.
      At this point, it should be noted that I am neither bulimic nor anorexic.  You will just have to trust me on this  

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Note To Self

Dear Me
If you really must sing along with the music you listen to on your Ipod while walking the dogs, (and I know you must) could you please choose better play lists?  Might I suggest the a ban on musicals while out in public?  I just happened to notice the awkwardness that occurred as you rounded the corner  singing "she's a headache; she's an angel, she's a girrrlllllll" at the top of your lungs, only to find yourself face to face with a very-cute-jogger-boy.
Of course, everyone involved had a good chortle at your expense, and then went their separate ways; armed with a funny story to tell their friends.  No toes or egos were run over because of your musical road show.
But I can't help wondering if this is really the lyrical self portrait you want to announce to passers-by.  I'm thinking "Baby Got Back" is a better choice.  Just a thought

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday's List: Wish List

Things I Wish I Could Buy Right Now:
A New Apple Computer
Dictation Software
A Kindle
More time for my class
Health for those that I love
A job
and sanity for myself

Friday, August 13, 2010

Visual Word Association

This is a cool little video that went along with Radiolab's recent podcast about words.  I hope you enjoy it.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Monday's List: podcasts part 2

Some of these feed addresses were were incomplete, but all of these podcasts can be found, for free, on iTunes.  Happy listening!

16.  The New Yorker: Comment Podcast     Rated PG
     This weekly comment podcast is based on someones opinion of current events, not necessarily fact.  It does tend to fall on the liberal side of things.  I find it interesting and informative.  It's my way of learning about national political issues without having to watch the national news.  New Yorker comment
17.  The New Yorker: Fiction Podcast     Rated PG-13
     A monthly reading of past fiction published in the New Yorker magazine.  Fiction published in the New Yorker is among the best stuff being published today, and a treat to read or listen to.  New Yorker Fiction
18.  NPR: Fresh Air Podcast     Rated PG
     Recently someone said to me, "You listen to NPR??  You must be a democrat."  If that is all it takes to be considered of the left persuasion, than I am definitely guilty as charged.  Personally, I just think it's just good reporting.  I will admit that certain programs and features of NPR tend to be more on the liberal side of things, but you decide what you choose to listen to.  Fresh Air is a Peabody award winning, daily magazine featuring interviews covering contemporary arts and issues.  If you haven't picked up on it yet, I enjoy the arts.  Fresh Air
19.  NPR: Pop Culture Podcast     Rated PG
     Popular culture stories gathered from several NPR programs, compiled into one weekly podcast.  Pop Culture
20.  NPR: Radio Diaries Podcast    Rated PG
     Historical documentaries weaving together home recordings, archival news audio, and first person accounts to bring the past to live.  Also includes more current stories from extraordinary people and circumstances.  This is an awesome program!  Radio Diaries
21.  NPR: Story Of The Day Podcast     Rated PG
     Funny, moving, exceptional or just off beat, the one NPR story of the day everyone should hear.  Story of the Day
22.  The Nutrition Diva's Quick and Dirty Tips For Eating Well And Feeling Fabulous     Rated G
     The nutrition Diva (Monica Reinagle) serves up simple, painless ways to upgrade your diet, so that you will feel fabulous.  I have learned a lot from this podcast.  It goes far beyond basic nutrition.  The Nutrition Diva
21.  Onion Radio News      Rated PG-13
     A short news clip from the Onion's fake news network.  Very short, and very funny.  Onion Radio News
22.  Start Cooking Video     Rated G
     Quick and tasty meals plus basic cooking skills, wrapped fast paced, fun format.  Look for it on iTunes
23.  Stuff You Should Know     Rated PG 13 but mostly PG
     Fascinating trivia, obscure facts, and the unusual stuff you should know.  How Stuff Works
24.  They Might Be Giants Podcast     Rated G
     The official podcast of TMBG.  Specializing in original, live, and/or rare material from the band.  Great for TMGB freaks like me. They Might Be Giants 
25.  This American Life     Rated PG
      Just the best radio program out there in my humble opinion.  Hosted by Ira Glass.  This American Life
26.Vegan A Go-Go      Rated G
     A vegan cooking show in video format.  The website has the podcasts as well as the recipes.  I usually modify the recipes to be vegetarian but not always.  Vegan A Go-Go
27.  WNYC's  Radiolab     Rated PG
      Each episode of Radiolab is an investigation centered around one big idea.  It's really a good show- one of my favorites.  Radiolab

What podcasts do you listen to?

Monday, August 02, 2010

Monday's List: Podcasts Part 1

I am a big journal writer, but I am also somewhat lazy in my writing habits, so I make a lot of lists in my journal.  I could list anything from the groceries bought, to things I'm grateful for, to books I'd like to read, or non essentials I would love to buy, if I had any non-essential money lying around.  You could call me an aggressive list maker, I would be fine with that title.  I think you can learn a lot about a person from the lists they create.
     With that being said, I'd like to introduce a new feature on this blog: Monday's List.  This week list is based on the podcasts I listen to, because I love podcasts and think everyone should investigate podcast possibilities.  Most are free to subscribe to, and cover just about any subject imaginable.  All podcast mentioned here can be found on itunes for free.  The included links will take you directly to the rss feeds for each podcast.  The ratings mentioned are just my suggestions to a conservative audience, and not actual ratings.  I listen to a lot of podcasts, so I decided to split this particular list in half. Look for the second half next Monday.

1.  60 Second Psych      Rated PG
     A weekly 1-2 minute commentary on the latest developments in in the science of brain and behavior from Scientific American
2.  60 Second Science     Rated PG
     Leading science journalists provide a daily minute commentary on some of the most interesting developments in science.  From Scientific American
3.  B&N Meet The Writers Video Interviews     Rated PG
     Watch as your favorite authors discuss their inspiration and influences, their favorite books and the reason they write.  http://www.barnesandnoble.com
4. Best Of YouTube     Rated PG
     The best of YouTube without searching through all the other random crap.  Best of YouTube
5.  Celebrity play list Podcast     Rated PG
      Artists, actors, and musicians, and others in the public eye expand on their favorite music in their own words, and play short sections from the songs.  It's really just a promotional tool for iTunes,  but I like it.  Each episode is usually 15-25 minutes long.  It's a good way to find new music.  Celebrity Playlist
6.  The Dog Trainer's Quick and Dirty Tips     Rated G
     The dog trainer explains how to get the polite behaviors you want, and then turn those behaviors into lifelong habits.  Good advice for training dogs of all ages.  The Dog Trainer
7.  Everything Creative-Exploring Creativity     Rated G
     This podcast explores creativity through interviews with artists and creative people of all types. I don't really think of bobsledding as being creative, but this program argues otherwise. Each episode is unique in that the interviewee from one episode becomes the interviewer in the next episode.  Everything Creative
8.  The House Call Doctor's Quick and Dirty Tips     Rated PG
     No topic is off limits as Dr. Rob Lamberts answers your most pressing medical questions with his trademark humor and straightforward advice.  House Call Doctor
9.  KQED The Writer's Block     Rated PG-13
     Weekly reading series featuring writers and performers of all stripes reading the latest short fiction, non-fiction, theater and poetry.  I have found a lot of good books through this podcast.  The Writer's Block
10.  LDS General Conference     Rated G
     This podcast is automatically updated after every general conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (Mormons), to give you the latest general conference addresses.  The archives go back several years, so there is a ton of goodness to keep a person occupied, and edified.  LDS General Conference
11.  MacBreak Weekly     Rated PG  
      Because I love me a Mac; always have, always will.  The latest Mac news from the top journalists covering Apple today.  Funny in unexpected ways, this podcast can be a little on the long side at times, but it is worth having on in the background.  MacBreak Weekly
12.  MacWorld Video      Rated G
     Weekly video tips from Apple experts.  Valuable info, short and to the point.  MacWorld Video
13.  The Mortified Shoe Box Show     Rated PG-13 (possible swearing)
     A comic excavation of the strange and extraordinary things we created as kids.  Witness adults sharing their own letters, lyrics, poems, journals, lame rap songs, and home movies, pictures, and more.  How much do I love The Mortified Shoe Box Show?  Enough to keep it in my list of podcast subscriptions during the twenty two period in which no shows were produced.  I knew if I waited long enough, I'd be richly rewarded.  It is always a happy day at my house when a new Mortified comes out.  Mortified Shoe Box
14.  The Moth Podcast      Rated PG 13 (possible swearing)
     The Moth features true stories told by people from all walks of life to a live audience.  Engaging, funny and touching, sometimes just plain sad, but always interesting.  The Moth
15.  New BYU Speeches     Rated G
     Brings the newest Tuesday devotional and forum speeches given at BYU to your computer or ipod.  There is also a podcast that steams classic BYU speeches, but for some reason, I had a hard time concentrating on those speeches, although I know there is a lot of quality there as well.  http://speeches.byu.edu/rss/podcast2.xml

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Brownie The Beagle

He sure looks cute, but can you see the defiance in his eyes?

Brownie the Beagle is STUBBORN,
and fat,
and lazy 
and demanding
and very loud and vocal
and just a general pain in the butt
but, at least he's not gassy

Tomorrow he will waddle on home, and be top dog again.  I'm sure he will be in heaven; after eighteen days of "visiting" my little house, where there are too many animals already.  But he will always know where to come if he ever feels like being dragged down the street in the name of exercise.  BYE, BROWNIE!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Random late night thoughts

-I hate computers.  I mean I really hate computers at this moment.  Why is it so freakishly hard to back up my files before my computer bursts into flames?

-I really like the smell of these blank Cd's...the smell of musty technology...but smell seems to be all they are good for

-Why is it that I always forget about the bras line drying in various places around my room until after a guest turns beet red, and begins to back out of the room?

-Joseph Conrad was a very unhappy man. 

-Mixed berry fruit snacks are actually quite tasty.  I've never tasted anything blueberry flavored that I disliked.  Does that make sense?

-It's time to go to bed.  I need a bedtime fairy to put me to bed each night. Someone that I could summon each night with a clap of my hands.  Please don't read more into this thought than what I am actually saying...I just get too tired to go to bed, and then I end up writing nonsense blog posts

-If I'm going to have a bedtime fairy, I could also use a pot of gold.

-Hey I just discovered your second facebook account, the one where I'm not your friend, and you think you are getting away with it.  All I have to say about that is frankly, my dear, you suck.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Little Scrape Of Heaven

Thats right, I had my yearly Pap Smear today, and it was wonderful. Seriously, compared the rest of my day, my pap smear was a little scrape of heaven. Thanks, Santa! Stay tuned for the rest of the story tomorrow...

Thursday, June 03, 2010


     Over the past couple of months, there have been some changes happening at my house.  First, we ripped out the disgusting carpet in the front room.  The combination of my wheelchair wheels, two dogs, and several roommates' cats, helped to ensure that the carpet was declared dead almost two years ago.  Since then, I have just been quietly noting the speed of its decay, and trying to find a workable solution.
When I finally found the right type of laminate to match the flooring in the kitchen and laundry areas, I was a very happy girl.  In April, my awesome sister and brother in law installed the laminate in the front room and office.  This is the third floor that Alison and Mike have installed for me, and I really appreciate all of their help.

Since then, my roommate Molly, has been slowly painting each room in the condo, whenever she has down-time.  The new flooring and paint have made a huge difference to the whole feeling of our home.  I love seeing the blue kitchen first thing in the morning with the sunlight streaming in, or being in the calming green of the front room any time of day.  Both Molly and I used to shun the general dinginess of the front room, instead preferring to give the space to the animals of the house.  Now, it is a very pleasant room that we are both drawn to, I can finally fulfill my promise to host family home evening for the mid-singles.  Yay!
Next (minus most furniture)
This shot shows the green better

The Kitchen Before
And After but this shot make the blue look lighter than it really is
Laundry Room After
Molly's Bathroom After.  I should have put the lid down before taking this picture.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Silhouetted Man In The Distance

  I love this picture.  It brings me hope, and of course a lot of beauty too.  I don't know the man in the picture, nor did he know he was posing for one of my all-time favorite shots, but it all turned out quite nicely.  This photo was taken in Long Beach, CA, and I am headed back there this weekend. Wahoo!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If You're Having A Bad Day Watch This

This video is centered correctly, so the picture is not cut off.  In other words, watch this.  It's my attempt at a little comic relief, since there seems to be a general feeling of suckiness in the air.  Yes, the song will get stuck in your head, so listen to some good music immediately following the commerial to counteract the negative side effects.  But I had to share because I love the slow motion mutton chop sideburns man.  Well it was centered correctly until I added text

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Day 118

     For my birthday, my friends and I went to a Chinese buffet.  Everyone else ate normal proportions, but I pigged out, and was still not full by the time we left.  If only I could have had two more of those doghnut things...As usual, we forgot to take a picture of everyone, so here is a lovely picture of me, my cake, and my rash
     The best birthday present I received came from the waitress at the restaurant, who bestowed on me my newest, (and my favorite) nickname.  I am now known as "The Wheeled One," which makes me feel very zen and centered.
     Check out that huge slab of chocolate cake that one of my friends made for me.  It was serious chocolate, basically pure fudge, and I lived off it for the next three days.  Just thinking about it now sends me into a chocolate trance.
       I hope this year is a good one!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"Please Don't Squeeze The Charmin"

      Did you know that my parents almost named me Sharmin?  Yes, it's true, I was close to being named after a well known brand of toilet paper.  Thankfully, my brothers and sisters saved my life from going down the toilet, by nixing the name.  
     Lately, every time the Charmin bears appear on the TV, I am grateful that my name has no connection to the brand.  Especially since the newest Charmin commercials promote the slogan, "Enjoy the Go."  Wow.  I obviously owe my siblings big for helping me dodge that bullet.
     Just to give you an idea of popularity of this type of TP, at the time of my birth, here is the info taken directly from the Charmin website.
1978—Mr. Whipple was named the third-best-known American—just behind former President Nixon and Billy Graham.

"Please don't squeeze the Charmin!" is named by R.H. Bruskin Associates as the most recognizable advertising slogan among those tested—being identified by eight out of 10 persons.

Charmin bath tissue distribution was expanded across the U.S.—it was available in all 50 states. The Charmin Plus 6-roll package was introduced.
           ***Yes, I know the formating is off on this post.  I got tired of trying to fix it.

Warning To My Neighbors

I  think it only fair to warn you that I am in danger of exploding into a cranky old woman at any moment.  I know I still fairly young, single and childless, but I still need my sleep.  Loud parties lasting until 4 a.m. will no longer be tolerated.  I am armed with a cell phone.  Loud parties in your garage, right outside my bedroom window are not acceptable, as they effect not only me, but also eight other units.
        Speaking of parking, I think bullet bikes, should remain permanently parked.  They are dangerous, loud, and more importantly, they are highly annoying.  Every time you gun your engine, I feel the vibrations, and can hear your approach a mile off.  Why must you rev the engine 17 times before you actually begin driving?  For me, bullet bikes make me dream of snipers.
       As of ten minutes ago, I am now thirty two years old, and you have been warned.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

White Trash Wednesday

My condo is located about fifteen feet from a mountain, which I tend to think of as "my mountain." I like being this close to the mountain because it affords me a lot of privacy.  My patio faces the mountain, and therefore has somewhat of a remote, secluded feeling.  But it isn't completely private, and I need to keep that in mind.
In between my patio, and "my mountain," is a small, fenced in dog run where Olivia and Roscoe go to the bathroom.  On Mondays, "the poo man" comes to clean out the dog run, so that my neighbors don't hate me.
Today, I found a surprise when I went out out on the patio.  A dirty bra that smelled of dog urine.  I usually just open the door wide enough for the dogs to slip out.  The last time I went out on the patio was last Friday, when I was carrying a load of laundry on my lap.  The bra must have slipped off my lap without my noticing.
That means that the discarded bra lay on the patio for nearly a week, and probably accounts for the poo man's slightly odd behavior on Monday.  Thats okay, he's not the type to be easily shocked.  Like my friends who have been or are maids, I'm sure he just added it to his list of stories of learning a lot about those he cleans up after.  For me it was not the my first, and certainly not my last, white trash moment.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Helpful Hints

-When driving heavy machinery such as a wheelchair,or a riding lawnmower, or perhaps a vacuum cleaner around your home, be sure to immediately pick up the various objects that may fall to the ground, even though it is a nuisance, Doing so will prevent the screams of frustration, and inevitable re-taping, when you run over the remote-AGAIN.

-Be sure to take lots of new prescriptions before driving said heavy machinery if you are going to be a lazy butt and not pick up the remote. Being heavily medicated will be the only excuse that will make any sense to others, when they ask about the sad state of certain mangled objects around your home.

-When listening to loud music late at night be sure to use headphones so your roommate or family won't be disturbed by the music. This will ensure they only hear your beautiful out of tune voice as you sing along to a really good song.

-start preparing your lesson for Sunday at 11:15 Saturday night. When you realize that most of the things you need to do require daylight, be grateful that you are forced to get up at 6:30 on Sundays. Then stay up until much later doing stupid stuff like finding this lovely commercial that reminds you of road shows

-Be honest and don't procrastinate

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

And While We're On the Subject...

Here is another (much smaller) website featuring book reviews.  Actually it's a blog, and anyone can be a contributer.  The site needs more contributers in my opinion, so if you love reading,writing, and sharing your opinions-go for it!

This Year's Reading List

Have you heard of http://www.goodreads.com/?  The site concept is  social networking somewhat similar to Facebook.  Invite your friends, see what they are reading, write reviews on the books you are reading, and give book suggestions to those with similar tastes. If you like to read, but constantly find yourself searching for that great book; that will hold your attention, entertain, and teach you, then Goodreads is a great place to end your search.
       Goodreads also plays host to hundreds of groups that you can join to participate in online discussions,  and give recommendations.  I recently joined the group "50 books a year" which is quite a commitment, but I am excited by the challenge.  So here is my list of 50 for 2010, in somewhat random order.  As I was making this list, I actually found it hard to limit myself to fifty, but then of course, reality set in:).
*please forgive the muddled writing in pretty much all of my posts.  One of these days, I might actually post before 1:30 a.m., and then you will be amazed by my clarity--if nothing else.

1.  A Virtuous Woman By Kaye Gibbons
2.  The Book Thief  By Markus Zusak
3.  The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat  By Oliver Sacks
4.  Happens Every Day By Isabel Gillies
5.  The Believers By Zoe Heller
6.  A Gate At The Stairs By Lorrie Moore
7.  Brooklyn  By Colm Toibin
8.  The Man In The Wooden Hat  By Jane Gardam
9.  The Financial Lives Of The Poets  By  Jess Walter
10.  Time, Sex, and Power  By Leonard Shlain
11.  The Memory Keeper’s Daughter By Kim Edwards
12.  The Lupus Book By Daniel J. Wallace M.D.
13.  Strange Red Cow By Sara Bader
14.  A Grief Observed By C.S. Lewis
15.  The Known World  By Edward P. Jones
16.  Tomorrow Will Be Better By Betty Smith
17 & 18.  This I Believe 1 And 2 by Jay Allison and Dan Gediman 
19.  The Collected Stories of Gabriel Garcia Marquez
20.  Reading Lolita In Tehran by Azar Nafisi
21.  The Reivers by William Faulkner           
22.  The Nick Adams’ Stories By Ernest Hemmingway
23.  Will In The World by Stephen Greenblatt
24.  J M Barrie And The Lost Boys by Andrew Birkin
25.  On Writing By Stephen King
26.  Minders Of Make Believe By Leonard S. Marcus
27.  Caramelo By Sandra Cisneros
28.  Prayer By Spencer W. Kimball
29.  Exuberance By Kaye Redfield Jamison
30.  Touched With Fire By Kaye Redfield Jamison
31.  The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy  By Douglas Adams
32.  My Left Foot by Christie Brown
33.  A Certain Slant Of Light by Laura Whitcomb
34.  Like Normal People by Robert Myers
35.  Coming Of Age by Studs Terkel
36.  The Good Earth By Pearl Buck
37.  Imperial Woman By Pearl Buck
38.  The China I Knew By Peal Buck
39.  Growing Up With Cerebral Palsy  By Mark Smith
40.  Outliers By Malcolm Gladwell
41. The 7 Habbits Of Highly Effective People By Steven R, Covey
42.  Bonds That Make Us Free By Terry Warner
43.  Animal, Vegetable, Miracle  By Barbara Kingsolver
44.  In Defense Of Food By Michael Pollan
45.  Eat To Live By Joel Furman M.D.
46.  Cesar’s Way By Cesar Milan
47.  Women And Money By Suse Orman
48.  The Five Love Languages  By Gary Chapman
49.  The Elegance Of The Hedgehog By Muriel Barburry
50.  The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Olivia Sue, I Love You"

Today is Olivia's adoption day, I have had her for four years.  We have been through a lot together and she is wonderful dog.  She is a very happy and smart, and she loves helping me.  She runs to me whenever I tell her that I need help, and she takes good care of me.  I call her Olivia Sue, when shisbeing a very good dog, and Olivia Newton John when she is very, very BAD.
      Olivia understands and responds to over 100 words.  Did I mention that she is smart?  This week she learned the command "Pull out the pillow," which means "Get your pillow out from underneath the bed, because I'm not doing it for you."
      Olivia likes to sit on my lap, even though she doesn't really fit.  She also loves to have her ears rubbed, and she makes a funny groaning noise when I hit the right spot.  I love her.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The "What's That On Your Head?" Edition

I am the clown in the walker here

"Big glasses; even bigger smile" this was right after I found out that I would not be returning to the horrid private school I attended for three years.  As soon as I got the news, I began making one of my uniform skirts into a lovely hat.  No, the hangers are not part of said hat.  I was eighteen here, but I think I could have passed for ten or eleven.

Social science  experiment as a Senior in high school

Study entitled Geeks in Crush

Ah, The good old days.   This is a picture I actually really like.  I wore this hat every day for several years, because I was paranoid about the sun fading my color treated hair.  I wore this hat every time I went outside, including the trip to the mailbox, or the "commute" to church.

Monday, January 04, 2010

White Elephant

Here is a really cool story, from one of my favorite bloggers.  I especially like the last two sentences, as they seem to be good advice for any lasting relationship; whether it be family, friendship, dating or marriage.  Read it!

Friday, January 01, 2010

What A Difference A Day Makes

      Dear January,
You are so cool!  No, really, I think you're awesome!  You are like the only month of winter that I like, no other month compares to you.  I have liked you for a long time now (almost 24 whole hours), and my like/love will no longer be repressed.  I know it's kind of retro, but my like/love for you could not be contained in a text message, so I had to pass you this note.
        Only you, January, have the power to stop making people feel that money spent on gifts=love felt.  If I could, I would shower you with really nicely made Dimondique  products from QVC to show my appreciation.  But diamondique is still kind of expensive, and anyway, I know that you aren't into that kind of thing.  You keep things real.  I mean, you are so not fake, and I really like/love that about you.
       January, I have to tell you that I think you are like so freaking amazing for making self improvement seem not only cool, but possible!  I mean, everyone knows that February will never measure up to the standards you set.  28 days in a month compared to 31?  Thats seems a little sketchy to me.  I mean what an under achiever.  Human Rights day compared to Valentine's Day?  Duh!
      January, you elevate humanity, and make me believe that my best self is possible!  I will get a C in English this term!  January, you may be the coldest month of the year, but you know just how to harvest hope within my heart; and for that, I will like/love you every day of this blessed month!  Don't ever change, Man!