Thursday, June 24, 2010

Random late night thoughts

-I hate computers.  I mean I really hate computers at this moment.  Why is it so freakishly hard to back up my files before my computer bursts into flames?

-I really like the smell of these blank Cd's...the smell of musty technology...but smell seems to be all they are good for

-Why is it that I always forget about the bras line drying in various places around my room until after a guest turns beet red, and begins to back out of the room?

-Joseph Conrad was a very unhappy man. 

-Mixed berry fruit snacks are actually quite tasty.  I've never tasted anything blueberry flavored that I disliked.  Does that make sense?

-It's time to go to bed.  I need a bedtime fairy to put me to bed each night. Someone that I could summon each night with a clap of my hands.  Please don't read more into this thought than what I am actually saying...I just get too tired to go to bed, and then I end up writing nonsense blog posts

-If I'm going to have a bedtime fairy, I could also use a pot of gold.

-Hey I just discovered your second facebook account, the one where I'm not your friend, and you think you are getting away with it.  All I have to say about that is frankly, my dear, you suck.

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