Sunday, September 26, 2010

Today At Church...

     One of my sunbeams ran at full speed; with her arms outstretched, from the front of the chapel to the back, just to give me a hug.
     In junior primary we learned the story of the "ten leopards."  And a five year old informed us all that we would go to hell, if we didn't read our scriptures.  (His words, not mine).  All in all, it was a very entertaining day for the teachers.
     I love being in primary, and feel especially blessed to be able to teach the the three year olds.  Those kids have an endless supply of love to share.


Anonymous said...

Everyone love you Sara, especially children, you are very good with them.

jbuppin said...

Oh how I miss the Sunbeams and Primary. I recently found a piece of paper I had written those things you mentioned the kids had said that day in church. I remember that. They always had to funniest things to say.