Saturday, March 13, 2010

Helpful Hints

-When driving heavy machinery such as a wheelchair,or a riding lawnmower, or perhaps a vacuum cleaner around your home, be sure to immediately pick up the various objects that may fall to the ground, even though it is a nuisance, Doing so will prevent the screams of frustration, and inevitable re-taping, when you run over the remote-AGAIN.

-Be sure to take lots of new prescriptions before driving said heavy machinery if you are going to be a lazy butt and not pick up the remote. Being heavily medicated will be the only excuse that will make any sense to others, when they ask about the sad state of certain mangled objects around your home.

-When listening to loud music late at night be sure to use headphones so your roommate or family won't be disturbed by the music. This will ensure they only hear your beautiful out of tune voice as you sing along to a really good song.

-start preparing your lesson for Sunday at 11:15 Saturday night. When you realize that most of the things you need to do require daylight, be grateful that you are forced to get up at 6:30 on Sundays. Then stay up until much later doing stupid stuff like finding this lovely commercial that reminds you of road shows

-Be honest and don't procrastinate

1 comment:

Jen said...

very helpful- all of them!