Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hot, Hairy Mess

I am searching for a new tenant/roommate right now, which is always a fun experience.  I advertised the condo as animal-friendly and specified that the new tenant must love love dogs since I have two hyper canines.  Early this morning I received this lovely email.  I have been laughing about this "Hobby Breeder" all day, and felt I had to share her words here, since this is my first run-in with an animal hoarder in-training.

Kim writes:
"Do you need a pet deposit? I have 2 huskies, a german shepherd and a cat. Im a hobby breeder, My german shepherd is pregnant and my husky has 7 puppies (they all will go to their new homes by may 8th)"

     In case you lost count, that's eleven animals she wants to bring with her. ELEVEN. Yes, the puppies will be gone by May 8th, but soon they will be replaced by another litter, and since she is a hobby breeder, there is no end in sight.
      Soon after I adopted Olivia, I took her to be spayed.  However, the procedure had to be postponed, when it was discovered that she was already pregnant.  About a week before she gave birth she developed a very serious case of the most disgusting diarrhea I have ever had the pleasure to clean up.  Then along came her seven pups, who quickly learned how to push down the walls of their enclosure, and spread chaos, (and poo) through out the house.  The next six weeks were hectic to put it mildly, and there is no way I will ever willing descend into puppy hell again.   Especially with six other pets in the mix...
     So here are some questions for Kim:
What in the world are you thinking?  Have you inhaled so much fur that it is impeding your thought process in much the same way cocaine might?  What landlord in their right mind would ever rent to such a hairy mess?  
     Kim, dear; perhaps you should consider delaying your "hobby-breeding," until you own a large house, situated on a large piece of land.  Might I suggest a farm?

1 comment:

jbuppin said...

I love your questions to this lady. I would be thinking the same thing. Is she insane or just plain nuts??? If you rented to someone like that, where would the people reside? There would be no room for people among all those animals. Glad you have the senses to know that some animals just need to be spayed or neutered. No wonder this lady is looking for a place to rent...her current/previous landlord finally got in their right mind, too and said enough is enough.