Sunday, September 26, 2010

Today At Church...

     One of my sunbeams ran at full speed; with her arms outstretched, from the front of the chapel to the back, just to give me a hug.
     In junior primary we learned the story of the "ten leopards."  And a five year old informed us all that we would go to hell, if we didn't read our scriptures.  (His words, not mine).  All in all, it was a very entertaining day for the teachers.
     I love being in primary, and feel especially blessed to be able to teach the the three year olds.  Those kids have an endless supply of love to share.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Unexplained Tooth

epic fail photos - Maury FAIL
see more EpicFail
the Other captions from the Maury Show that won't copy onto the blog for some reason are:
-Kadeisha (age 13) says she had sex with a boy for a hair weave
-Demetrius says he is not the father of Marissa's son because he can't make boys
and my personal favorite,
-Arica says she found a tooth in her house that Michael can't explain

Monday, September 13, 2010

Ruminations on Roscoe and A Small List For Monday

      Roscoe's growing list of issues is driving me crazy.  He's a sweet dog, but oh so neurotic.  So far his list of fears includes: the wind, getting into cars, (but he's completely fine once in the car), and now, other dogs.  Imagine my joy on Saturday, when our walk was filled with wind and many other dogs.  I came home with bruises on my arm from the way I had to hold the leash.  I am so glad fall is here, because when the wind actually causes things to move about, it is extra scary.  I wish I could talk to him and understand what goes through his mind when he goes into freak out mode.  I do feel like we made some progress on our walk today, though.
     If I could have a conversation with him I would tell him: There will always be wind that blows, vehicles to get into, and other dogs to deal with, so just get over it, little boy.  I am trying to be patient, and use every available teaching moment, but I could really do without your high pitched, anxiety filled screeching that makes everyone think I am beating you.
     Also, that beautifully calm Great Dane that you take such issue with, could flatten you with one paw, if you managed to find a way to actually provoke him.  Don't be stupid, my dear.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Monday's List: Summer Memories

My Top 5 Sensory Memories From Summer 2010

1.  The "I want to rip my skin off" feeling of a bad case of hives
2.  The mix of wind and sun on my skin at the beach house In Oregon
3.  Coming home from Oregon to find blood all over the walls and floors, because Olivia had hurt her tail while I was away.
4.  Hearing Brownie skid down the sidewalk because he refused to stand up and walk
5.  The smell of wet cement (poolside) baking in the hot sun- that is the smell of summer for me
It was a great summer, and If I had my way it would never end...