Friday, May 28, 2010

The Silhouetted Man In The Distance

  I love this picture.  It brings me hope, and of course a lot of beauty too.  I don't know the man in the picture, nor did he know he was posing for one of my all-time favorite shots, but it all turned out quite nicely.  This photo was taken in Long Beach, CA, and I am headed back there this weekend. Wahoo!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If You're Having A Bad Day Watch This

This video is centered correctly, so the picture is not cut off.  In other words, watch this.  It's my attempt at a little comic relief, since there seems to be a general feeling of suckiness in the air.  Yes, the song will get stuck in your head, so listen to some good music immediately following the commerial to counteract the negative side effects.  But I had to share because I love the slow motion mutton chop sideburns man.  Well it was centered correctly until I added text

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Day 118

     For my birthday, my friends and I went to a Chinese buffet.  Everyone else ate normal proportions, but I pigged out, and was still not full by the time we left.  If only I could have had two more of those doghnut things...As usual, we forgot to take a picture of everyone, so here is a lovely picture of me, my cake, and my rash
     The best birthday present I received came from the waitress at the restaurant, who bestowed on me my newest, (and my favorite) nickname.  I am now known as "The Wheeled One," which makes me feel very zen and centered.
     Check out that huge slab of chocolate cake that one of my friends made for me.  It was serious chocolate, basically pure fudge, and I lived off it for the next three days.  Just thinking about it now sends me into a chocolate trance.
       I hope this year is a good one!