Saturday, October 31, 2009

My Tribute To Winter

I hate Winter. I hate winter because my wheelchair does not do well in the snow, and as a result, I don't leave my house much. I hate winter because it effects my mood negatively and stiffens my muscles even more than usual.
On the upside, I like wearing sweaters, drinking hot chocolate, and snow is beautiful, if you don't have to drive in it. I also enjoy looking at other people's snow men:).  I like the winter holidays, when families come together, and we are encouraged to be grateful and realize what is really important. Winter isn't all bad, I admit. There is beauty in every day, and blessings surround us;if we choose to see them.
Last Monday I had to turn on the heater. I had tried to postpone this step as long as possible, but on Monday the temperature in the house dipped to a chilly 63 degrees and hats and sweatshirts were no longer enough. Winter had arrived.
Why is it that 63 degrees is a pleasant temperature outside, but cold indoors?
For the past couple of days I have been drinking a lot of hot chocolate, and that seems to help me warm up for about five minutes. Last Monday, I was still freezing after my cup of hot chocolate, so I turned the heater on, slipped on a coat, climbed into bed, and shook my fist at the forces that have kept me living in Utah.
I realized that although it was only the end of October, there have been many signs of a long winter ahead. Sure, I can bundle up, wearing multiple layers, warm socks, and hats, and make friends with people who have fireplaces. But the cold will seep into my bones, and there will never be enough hot chocolate in the world to keep me warm until the spring thaw.
Cheerful thoughts, I know. Happy Winter!

Monday, October 26, 2009

An Autumn Walk

Here are some pictures I took about three weeks ago when I was on a long, rambling Sunday walk with Olivia and Roscoe.

Friday, October 23, 2009

"Why Don't You Just Take A Picture? It Will Last Longer"

I know, I know, another "Fail" post, but I just couldn't help myself. I have cerebral palsy and use a wheelchair, so my whole life has been one very long disability awareness week. I have become so used to people stareing at me that I often don't notice the constant ogling until someone else brings the rubbernecking to my attention. Staring is just a part of my life, and I'm okay with it.
I have a great life. I don't have any complaints; but if I went to this school, I would.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Is For Abstinence

epic fail pictures
see more Epic Fails
Although I agree that "school girls" shouldn't have sex with older men,(or anyone else), this poster is way over top

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

How to Stop Tele-Marketers

Just follow my Dad's example, and tell the person you are speaking with "I shouldn't spend any money right now because I'm eighty years old and on my way out..."
Happy birthday Dad! I love you!

Sunday, October 04, 2009


I am staying with my dad this week, while my mother is in Florida visiting my sister. My parents only live a few miles away from me, but in some ways, visiting their house is like visiting a remote village in a far away country. No matter how often you have visited in the past, you never really know what to expect, or what you may find. You also never really know when the big storm may hit, causing the airlines to cancel flights and leave you stranded.
Because there are so many unknowns, I have learned to always come prepared. When going to their house always bring a book, cell phone, and any other incidentals that may serve to make your stay as pleasant as possible. When staying overnight or longer, the general rule of thumb is that you can't bring too much stuff. Don't take anything for granted.
For instance, on this particular trip, I brought my own cleaning supplies and can opener. However, yesterday I discovered an essential item I had neglected to bring along; a toilet plunger. I have looked in all the bathrooms throughout the house, and everywhere else I could think someone might hide a plunger, with no luck. So today I will go back to my house to retrieve my plunger. When will I ever learn? Always be prepared. and, of course, bring your own plunger.